Brand Customer Experience

Are you staring at a static NPS?
B.C.X. is where 'brand rubber' hits the 'customer Journey road'. is your brand truly delivering?

Strategy & Planning

Is your company in transformation or change?
The key to growth is taking everyone with you is a clear vision & roadmap. Are you in?

Franchise Marketing Funds

How satisfied are your franchisees? One third of franchise complaints relate to management of marketing funds, are you delivering best practice for growth?

Insights for decision-making

Do you need insights from your data for new products, services or to better understand brand strengths & customer expectations to improve experience?

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Which channels? Which media? Which content & timing? Are the indivual parts of your touchpoint inventory delivering to brand-growth as a whole?

New Product Development

Is your NPD stalling?
Successful launches need bullet-proof data, cross-functional champions & a little pzazz! Have you identified your roadblocks?

Strategy & Planning

There is no such thing as “business as usual” if you want to grow.

“We mustn’t stop the business”

“We don’t have time to waste with documents & presentations”

“Its all up here in my head”

…said the best business leader, never.

The hardest transition to make is from “solo-preneur” to business leader – the hand-break is on when one person assign all tasks & handles all issues – even when attached to a mobile phone & laptop 24 hours a day!

The loudest message from SME employees: “I want to know what my job is.” Which translates to; define my role, give me boundaries, then trust me.

Sure its hard but the strongest results are achieved when we take time out to a clearly define & share strategy & destination, then empower the team to plan & own how they’ll get there. At BrandCents we love:

  • Helping shape business strategy
  • Business, Marketing & Brand Plans
  • Annual Operating Plan (AOP) leadership

How can we help you?

Set out the company roadmap & release the hand-break!

New Product Development

Where does your new product development process fall over? Tech developers have brought us “Agile”, the manufacturers “Lean” yet the ability to deliver new products still relies on mindset.

“identify the roadblocks in your product development process”

  • How important is innovation to your brand?
  • Have you embraced iteration or do you fear failure?
  • Has everyone truly bought in?

Learn to identify the biggest roadblocks to delivering innovation: 10 Tips to avoid epic NPD fails & from project to process, let us know how can we help?

Insight for decisions

Clever use of customer experience  checks, focused research & brand tracking are still cost effective & efficient for insights & benchmarking, until you have serious cloud & omnichannel routing capability.
Simple analysis of database yields segmentation & insights. Awesome IoT products are now available to enrich demographic & targeting  data for your customers & those of your competitors!

What’s your question?

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Every campaign has different objectives & parameters.

  • Campaign Planning & Ecosystems
  • Internal Communication & Sales Team Training
  • Success Metrics and ROI

How can we help you?